Specializing in Building, Restoring and Protecting Credit
September 15, 2020– New York, NY— Prager Metis, a leading accounting, tax, advisory, and business consulting firm with offices in North America, Europe, and Asia, announced today it has created a new company PM Credit Management LLC. The company, which helps build credit and guard data for high-profile people will be led by Anthony Davenport as President & CEO.
PM Credit Management unlocks opportunity—through meticulously polishing clients’ credit. This service is an effective secret weapon for business managers, wealth advisors, other discreet professionals—and their most high-profile luminaries and other A-list clients. “I am very excited about the unique market positioning and rapid growth of Prager Metis.” Said Anthony Davenport, “Now, through our new partnership with Prager Metis, we can open doors for your clients—and make new opportunities possible.”
Mr. Davenport joins Prager Metis and brings years of experience as a financial literacy and consumer credit expert who has dedicated his life to helping clients solve some of their most difficult challenges. He is the noteworthy author of is the bestselling book, Your Score, and Regal Credit Management has had their expertise featured in Forbes, USA Today, Oprah Magazine, and more.
With end-to-end credit management services, PM Credit Management delivers the kind of credit your clients can do more with—while defending your clients’ online reputations. Their work can swiftly build credit, save clients millions in interest, and fiercely safeguard data away from cyberthieves, criminals, and stalkers.
Glenn Friedman, CEO of Prager Metis, said “We are extremely excited to launch this new company in an effort to continue to provide the necessary and required services and advice to our clients around the world. We also welcome Anthony as CEO of PM Credit Management, who brings years of experience in the credit industry and will be a tremendous asset to our clients in helping them reach their financial goals.”